1. 生徒氏名(Child's Name)
現地校に登録している英語名 (English Name at Australian Local School) *
領事館に登録している日本国籍名(Registered Name for Japanese Government/Consulate) *
日本語学校で使用する名前 *
日本語学校で使用する名前(フリガナ) *
生徒の国籍 *
2. 生年月日 (Date of Birth) *
Day / Month / Year
3. 性別 (Gender) *
4. 住所 (Address) *
5. 保護者 (Parents'/Guardians' Details) *
6. 在学中の兄弟姉妹 (Name and class of siblings)
7. 新年度に通学する現地校名 (Name of local school, preschool or childcare centre)
8. Eメールアドレス (Email) *
All contact will be made by Email, please ensure your provide Email address that you check everyday.
9. 保護者以外の緊急連絡先 (Alternative Contact) *
10. 生徒の持病やアレルギー (History of illness, allergies etc.)
Please specify any medical conditions or special needs the student suffers from, e.g. Asthma, diabetes、hearing impairment or autism
Please report any prescribed medications taken by the student.
Please list any known allergies & symptoms the student has. e.g. nuts, drugs, insect stings, latex
Has the student been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis?
Does the student have an EpiPen?
11. ホームドクターとメディケアナンバー (Doctor's Details and Medicare Number) *
12. 家庭での会話 (Language spoken at home)
13. 他の日本語学校・補習校のウエイテングに登録されている方は学校名をお願いします。
If child is on the waiting list to other Japanese school, please provide school name.(ex: Cammeray)
14. 個人情報の取り扱いについて *
You are giving consent to have your contact details on the students' list which may give out to other parents if necessary.
This information will be shared with school employees & Management.
I agree to share my contact information with other parents in the class to facilitate communication.
15. 入学金・授業料など (School fees) *
- 入学金 ( Enrolment fee) $50.00 (1人目、First Child) $25.00 (2人目以降、Additional children)
- 学校運営費 (School operation fee) $75 (世帯/毎年、Per family/year) (Term 3 $50, Term 4 $25)
- 未就学児運営補助金(Preschool supplementary fee) $30 (1人/就学時まで、Per preschool child until Kindy)
- 授業料 (Term fee) $150 (1人, 1 child)2人目以降は$5引き $5 Discount for additional children.
支払い期限:前学期の8週目まで。The due date of fees are the 8th week of previous term
Daily fee is applicable only when new student do not start from the beginning of the term.
休学 ( Long term absence)
If child can not attend class for a whole semester, $40 per semester(maximum 2 semesters) must paid to reserve the class position and homework will be sent to home.
The all school fees that have paid are not refundable under any circumstance. There is no proportional refund for the long -term absence or for a mid year cancellation of school enrolment.
16. 退学届・休学届提出に関する注意事項 *
Important notes regarding withdrawal and long term absence
JCS Japanese School has provisions regarding withdrawal and semester absence to provide more learning opportunities for more students.
退学 (Withdrawal)
If a student withdraw from school, advance written notice is needed by the 7th week of the previous semester. Otherwise the full tuition fee for that semester will be charged.
休学 (Long term absence)
If a student take a long term absence for a whole semester, advance written notice is needed by the 7th week of the previous semester. Otherwise, roster tasks for the parents are required even if the student is absent.
17. 生徒の写真や作品等の掲載許可 (Permission to Publish Student's Works and/or Photographs) *
1. 写真、映像、作品などが一般公開されることがあります。
2. JCS日本語学校は、 生徒の写真や映像、作品を何時でも必要な時に撮影させていただきます。
3. 生徒や作品のの写真は、白黒または色を修正させて頂くことがあります。
4. 生徒や作品の 写真は、一般的な日本語教育の普及を図る目的以外には使用しません。
5. 写真は、上記の目的で必要なくなる時まで適切に保管され、処分されます。
6. 学校はお子さん個人が特定されないよう最善の努力を尽くしますが、もし、お子さん個人が写真や作品から特定された場合でも責任を負いません。
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
The information below may affect your child's legal rights. Please read the following carefully and check "I agree" to indicate you have read, understood and agree to these permissions and conditions of enrolment in the JCS Japanese school, Edgecliff. Do not check "I agree" box unless you are satisfied that you understand these conditions and agree.
By agreeing with this Permission you acknowledge that:
Before, during and after the school’s activities, students and the work of students may be photographed, filmed and published on the JCS homepage, newsletters and all of the JCS promotional material. and in consideration for being allowed to participate in the school activities I agree to the following:
During the school's activities, your child and the work of your child being photographed, filmed and published on the JCS homepage, newsletters and all of the JCS promotional material.
Your agreement is sought for the following points as listed below:
1. Photographs, films and student’s work can be viewed by any third party.
2. JCS Japanese school can photograph, film and publish photographs of your child and works of your child as many times as required.
3. Your child’s photographs and works may be reproduced either in colour or black and white.
4. Your child’s photographs and works will not be used for any purpose other than for general promotion of languages education in community language school.
5. Photographs will be kept for no longer than necessary for the above mentioned purposes and be stored and disposed of securely.
6. While every effort will be made to protect the identity of your child, the school cannot be held responsible if your child can be identified from the photographs and works.
Please consent by ticking the below boxes and submitting the form. If consent is given, this will remain effective until such time as you advise the school otherwise.
18. 入学条件 (Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Agreement) *
»入学条件(Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Agreement)を確認する
氏名 (Printed Name) 日付(Day/Month/Year)